Stage One Consultation — March 2024
This consultation has now closed.
We held a first stage of non-statutory consultation on our early-stage proposals for Lime Down Solar Park between 14 March 2024 and 26 April 2024.
The aim of this initial consultation was to introduce Island Green Power and present our emerging proposals for Lime Down Solar Park; giving people living and working in the area the opportunity to share their views and local knowledge to help inform and influence our proposals from an early stage in the development process.
Community information events
Over the course of this consultation, we held six in-person events and two online webinars. Recordings of the webinars which took place are available to view and download below:
27 March – Online webinar
17 April – Online webinar
We received a significant level of feedback over the course of this consultation and are grateful to everyone who took the time to provide us with their views and suggestions on our emerging proposals.
Further to the consultation closing, we reviewed all the feedback you submitted to help us better understand those aspects of the project you want us to prioritise as we continue to develop our proposals.
We have published the findings from this initial consultation in a report. This outlines the key themes raised in feedback and explains how, along with the outcome from ongoing environmental assessments, they are being used to help us refine the design for the project.