Latest Update

Reminder to submit feedback on updated plans for Lime Down Solar Park

Island Green Power is reminding local residents and wider stakeholders to provide feedback ahead of the close of the second stage of consultation on Wednesday 19 March 2025.

The second stage of consultation on plans for Lime Down Solar Park started on Wednesday 29 January 2025 and is currently running for seven weeks. Since the start of the consultation, Island Green Power has held eight in person information events at venues located in the local community, and two online webinars.

Island Green Power continues to invite feedback from local communities near the site, as well as those from the wider area, for their views on the updated proposals.

Will Threlfall, Senior Project Development Manager at Island Green Power explained:

“We would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to engage with us and attend one of our in-person or online events. In total, we welcomed over 1,110 people to our events and received lots of useful comments and questions.

It’s really important to us that as many people as possible share their thoughts on our proposals for Lime Down Solar Park. We want to make sure that those who live and work in the area have the opportunity to inform and influence the proposals we’re developing.

We have already received a good amount of feedback, but if you haven’t yet shared your views there is still time to do so before the consultation closes on 19 March 2025.

After the consultation closes, we will review all the feedback received and consider it as we continue to refine our proposals so we can finalise and submit an application for development consent to the Planning Inspectorate. We currently anticipate submitting our application in Autumn 2025.”

Full details of the updated proposals being consulted on, including maps and plans, can be found on the ‘Stage Two Community Consultation - January 2025’ Project webpage linked here.

Feedback can be provided via an online feedback form linked here, by email (to or by post (via a printed feedback form, which can be requested by contacting the Community Relations Team) and returned to FREEPOST Lime Down Solar.

For further information please contact the Community Relations Team on:

  • Freephone: 0808 175 6656

  • Email:

  • Post: FREEPOST Lime Down Solar

Anyone wishing to receive updates about the Project and the consultation direct are encouraged to register their details on the Project website.


Update — January 2025